Sunday 30 November 2014

National Airlines

National Airlines operated the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 from 1971 to 1980. They used both DC-10-10 and DC-10-30. They had a total of 13 DC-10's. 10 Series 10's and 3 Series 10's. In 1980 when National was acquired by Pan Am all 13 DC-10's were transferred to Pan Am.

This one is N65NA the 5th DC-10 in the NAL fleet and the 61st DC-10 off the production line. N65NA 1st flew on the 8th September 1972 and was delivered to NAL on the 13th October 1972. N65NA has 3 CF6-6k Engines.

N65NA - National Airlines 1972 - 1980
N65NA - Pan American Airlines (Pan Am) 1980 - 1984
N152AA - American Airlines - 1984 - 1993
N152AA - Hawaiian Airlines - 1994 - 2002
N152AA - American Airlines - 2002 - 2002
N533FE - Federal Express (FedEx) - 2002 - Present (used for parts, Stored in MHV)

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